Friday, 16 December 2011


Buzzle. (2011). Importance of Technology in the Classroom. Retrieved from

Commonwealth of Australia. (n.d.). Behaviourism Overview. Retrieved from

Department of Education. (2011). Blogs in Education. Retrieved from
Educational Broadcasting Corporation. (2004). What does constructivism have to do with my classroom? Retrieved from

Funderstanding. (2011). Constructivism. Retrieved from

Hudson, A. (2011). Definition of Internet Safety. Retrieved from

LearningDctr. (2010, June 17). Behaviourism, Cognitivism, Constructvism & Learning and Instructional Theory. [Video File]. Retrieved from

Mindwerx. (2011). [Image]. Retrieved from
Sun rise/sun set over the water. [Photograph]. (2002). Retrieved from

TechTarget. (2011). Internet. Retrieved from

Reflective Synopsis

Technology =  Life

Technology has become such an 'every day' part of life. Think about when you wake up in the morning, what is the first thing you do? Well for me it's check my mobile phone for messages or missed calls. Technology has become such a huge part of my life, I couldn't image my life without it. Even important documents are now sent through email instead of the post. For example my pay slips from work and my phone bills are all sent to me by email. What would happen if technology stopped?
During this course I have developed my technological skills immensely as my technological knowledge was only limited to the basic 'need to knows' to be able to survive high school and university. I have even learnt about things that I have never even heard of before. I guess that is the real definition of learning. Not knowing one thing one day and knowing heaps about it the next. I believe doing well at something is not necessarily 'getting a good mark' but how much you have learnt and how much you have developed and got out of it. What did you take away from that experience that will change your perspective of it, and what are you thinking about now that you have been exposed to that learning. Has it changed the way you see that topic or the world?

Technology is important in the classroom as it provides the students with active participation, in-depth knowledge, real-life work experience, increased motivation, technical skills, as well a fun and interesting way to learn (Buzzle, 2011). I would use the skills I have learnt during this course to improve my variation of teaching methods (refer to 'my interactions'). I believe incorporating technology into learning is essential as it is a way of life and keeps continuing to change, develop and enhance as time goes by. As educators we need to help our students be ready to understand technology that hasn't even been invented yet and technology we don't even completely understand ourselves. This is one of the many challenges of teaching.

Blogs are used in the classroom "to provide a communication space that teachers can utilise with students to develop writing, share ideas and to reflect on work" (Department of Education, 2011). Blogs have both advantages and disadvantages when it comes to developing, viewing and using them (refer to the PMI chart on blogs). PowerPoints are creative tools, especially when they are used within learning and lessons. PowerPoint presentations can be used by both teachers and students as they are a basic but effect technological tool (refer to PMI chart on PowerPoints).

The most important issue with students working on line is of course safety. Most schools will have a safety block on their computers which will unable students to access sites if they have inappropriate information or images on them. However this does not mean that things can't leak in, which may not be suitable for the students to see, hear or read. This is where it is important for teachers to make students aware of the dangers of the Internet and things which they think may not be appropriate for them to see. This also comes under what they should do if something unexpected were to leak through. This also helps the students for when they are on line at home, which may not have any Internet blocks at all! Refer to the blog posting on Internet safety for more information on how to keep safe while on line.

Learning styles and learning theories are also important to consider and use while teaching with technology. It is important to teach using visuals, auditory tools, as well as the student demonstration to make sure every students has taken in some kind of learning from each lesson. The learning theories behaviourism, constructivism and connectivism are also all important as they reflect the way students learn (refer to blog on learning theories).

Last but not least, wikis and digital imagery are both effective learning tools for students to explore and experience with. Digital imagery, especially is a great technological tool for students even at young ages to experience, as it is so basic and they can incorporate other visuals and texts into it as well (refer to PMI chart about wikis and digital image).

Overall my experience with blogs and wikis have been successful learning experiences for me. I am proud of my achievements and I am looking forward to taking my new found knowledge of technological tools and skills with me as I become a teacher of technology and life.


PMI Chart on Blogs

Tool 4: Blogs

  • Develops technological skills.
  • Share ideas with others.
  • Can add comments and feedback to blogs.
  • Anyone can view your blog, no privacy.
  • Creative way to share information and ideas.
  • Can personalise them with colour, images, hyperlinks, backgrounds and text.
An example of a blog is this current blog which I have made from scratch using all of the technological skills I have learnt throughout my courses.

PMI Chart on PowerPoint

Tool 3: PowerPoint

  • Can add text, images, videos and hyperlinks to them.
  • Creative way to organise information for presentations.
  • Easy to use.
  • No Internet needed.
  • Can't hold a lot of text, only dot point.
  • Doesn't pick up incorrect spelling.
  • Cost money to buy the program.
  • Can personalise them using colour, images, text, backgrounds and slide shows.
  • Make presentations more interesting, visualising.

PMI Chart on Wikis

Tool 2: Wikis

  • Collaborative communication technological tool.
  • Develops technological skills.
  • Everyone can share their ideas and view other people's ideas and comments.
  • Anyone can make a wiki, therefore inappropriate topic wikis could be developed for anyone to view.
  • Information and comments put onto a wiki aren't private.
  • They can be made about any topic.
  • All different people with different perspectives come together in one big discussion, sharing their ideas and opinions.
An example of a wiki is the mobile phones wiki which was developed for CQU students to add their opinions and view others' opinions.
The link for the wiki is:

PMI Chart on Ditigal Images

Tool 1: Digital Images
  • Images can be uploaded from the internet, drawn and scanned or from another digital source such as; camera, phone, usb, or sd card.
  • Makes the document/site more realistic, interesting and more personal.
  • Gives viewers a more descriptive overview.

  • Often others can see these images, depending on what type of document they are added/attached to (facebook, websites etc).
  • Inappropiate images through sites such as google, can be easily accessed by children.

  • Images can portray a different perspective of a person, text, document etc.
  • They can be visualised, read, interpreted, drawn, captured, modified and the list goes on. They make the developer become creative.
This is an example of a digital image, uploaded from the internet.

(Origins, 2002)

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Behaviourism, Constructivism and Connectivism Theories

Learning Theories

The Behaviourism theory “dictates what knowledge the learners will learn, in what order they will learn it and how it is to be learnt”. The focus of this theory is for students concentrate on key points and to remember them, rather than taking in lots of information as a whole. Examples of behaviourism activities include; learning touch typing or other keyboard skills, carrying out lab tests, trades areas where structured process is important, inductions or information sessions, and physical training such as the defence forces (Commonwealth of Australia, ud).

Constructivism “is a philosophy of learning founded on the premise that, by reflecting on our experiences, we construct our own understanding of the world we live in” (Funderstanding, 2011). It is a philosophy which is based on observational, scientific study about how people learn (Educational Broadcasting Corporation, 2004). When teachers use constructivism in the classroom, some examples of teaching practise may include; prompt students to formulate their own questions, allow multiple interpretations and expressions of learning, and encourage group work and the use of peers as resources (Educational Broadcasting Corporation, 2004).

The link below takes you to a Youtube video on the learning theories; Behaviorism, Cognitivism and Constructivism.

My Interactions of Wikis, Blogs and Websites

My Interaction

Before this course, my experience of blogs, wikis and websites were very limited as I had only experienced developing a web quest through google sites. This however, was because it was an assessment piece for another subject, meaning I haven’t used these tools for my own personal use. As I don’t have a lot of experience with internet tools, I had a bit of trouble finding my way around the blogs and wikis, which I found my way around once I started experimenting with them. I believe websites are an effective tool for students in school to use and to also make. This gives the students an opportunity to collaboratively express themselves in developing something which then they can later view online. This gives students a sense of achievement.

I have enjoyed learning about different internet tools and exploring them to see how they work and what they are used best for. I have also added some brief examples of the tools which I have discussed to my blog to show my understanding of these tools and my experience with them.

The link for my webquest from previous assessment  is

De Bono's Six Thinking Hats discussion on mobile phones wiki

Mobile Phone Wiki, using De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats

It is argued whether wikis are a useful and effective learning tool for students or not. A wiki page was set up about mobile phones being used at school. This wiki was designed for students at CQU to add their opinions with the rest of the students to develop a collaborative discussion online, using Debono’s six thinking hats. The link for the mobile phone wiki is:

My opinions on whether wikis are useful and effective learning tools are discussed below, using De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats, just like in the mobile phone wiki.

Black Hat - Judgements

·         No privacy, everyone on the wide world web can view and access the information, this includes the names of the students

·         Arguments could arise through the strong opinions of students

·         Anyone can make a wiki which means inappropriate topics could be formed

·         Hasn’t got a personal communicative connection like speaking face to face or over the phone
Blue Hat - Thinking /Processes
·         Viewing others opinions can make you second think yours
·         Looking at a topic in a new and different perspective

Green Hat - Creativity
·         Using a different style of group discussions, instead of face to face group work
·         Can add images, videos, internet links and text

Red Hat – Feelings
·         Topics and comments could be upsetting, emotional
·         No real life connection when discussing topics with students (can’t hear their voice or see them)
White Hat – Information
·         Information is written online so students can view the information at any time of day or night and they can refer back to it if needed
Yellow Hat – Strengths/Positives

·         Connects people from all over the country and world to join together in one discussion
·         View different views and perspectives on topics
·         Develops technological skills
(Mindwerx, 2011) 

Safety while using the internet for people of all ages

Safety on the net

The internet is defined as a “worldwide system of computer networks” (TechTarget, 2011). These networks connect people from all over the world which lets people communicate, research, provides entertainment, used for education purposes and heaps more. However, even though the internet is a highly developed, effective tool which has expanded to unmeasurable lengths, there are a few disadvantages to this highly effective tool which can harm the wellbeing of people, especially children. Protecting people from the negative side of the internet is a thing called internet safety. The term internet safety refers to “practices and precautions you should observe when using the Internet, so as to ensure that your personal information and your computer remain safe” (Alice Hudson, 2011).

The following is a list of precautions you can take to help yourself keep safe while using the internet:

             Select a gender-neutral username, email address

             Keep your primary email address private

             Get a free email account

             Don't give out information simply because it is requested

             Block or ignore unwanted users

             Never give your password to anyone

             Don't provide your credit card number or other identifying information

             Watch what you "say" online

(WHOA, 2011)